Compliance 32x Beta 20

Another day, another Compliance 32x Beta! The pack is growing exceptionally close to completion, with this update bringing even more lovely textures provided by our equally lovely team. Many minerals have received some much-needed polishing, your trusty steeds have finally tidied up, and the seas are looking alive and well! Thank you once again for your continued support and patience, we look forward to bringing you future updates!
[NOTE: This version of the pack is compatible with both Java 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. For convenience, we are releasing the update as a single pack. That means you'll get a warning when trying to use the pack in 1.17.1, but you can safely disregard it.]
1.17.1 - 1.18.x for Java Edition
GitHubCurseForge1.18.x for Bedrock Edition
- Kelp (jogurciQ)
- Jungle Zombie Villager (jogurciQ)
- End Gateway Beam (Aerod)
- All Horses (DMgaming)
- White Horse Markings (DMgaming)
- Alex (Evorp)
- Tropical Fish B Pattern 2–4 (jogurciQ)
Worn Armour:
- Leather Layer 1 (DMgaming)
Bedrock UI:
- Llama Icon (DMgaming)
- Book Back (Zeuselpro)
- Book Binding (Zeuselpro)
- Book Metatags (Arky, DMgaming)
- TabLeft (ItzCreepedism)
- Immersive Reader (Zeuselpro)
- Black Line (Zeuselpro)
- Gamerscore (Псевдопсевдогипопаратиреоз)
- Achievements G (Псевдопсевдогипопаратиреоз)
- Loom Empty Dye (Псевдопсевдогипопаратиреоз)
- Missing Item (DMgaming)
- Switch Accounts (Zeuselpro)
- Switch Circle Button (Zeuselpro)
- Default Tooltip Background (Zeuselpro)
- Setting Icon (McKovosky)
- Dev Glyphs (McKovosky)
- Gear (McKovosky)
- Settings Glyph (McKovosky)
- Screenshot Frame (McKovosky)
- Dark Grey Cell Image (Brighton549)
- Blast Furnace (Pythagoras_314)
- Acacia Leaves (Aerod)
- Gold Block (Evorp)
- Diamond Block (Evorp)
- Blue Ice (Aerod)
- Rose Bush (Aerod)
- Birch Trapdoor (DMgaming)
- Respawn Anchor Top (DMgaming)
- Nether Portal (Псевдопсевдогипопаратиреоз)
- Redstone Lamps (Evorp)
- Crafting Table Front and Side (Evorp)
- Lime Glazed Terracotta (Evorp)
- Smoker Top (Evorp)
- Smithing Table Side (Evorp, DMgaming)
- Smithing Table Front (DMgaming)
- Slime Block (Evorp)
- Hoglin (DMgaming)
- Zoglin (DMgaming)
- Tropical Fish A (jogurciQ)
- Tropical Fish B Pattern 1, 5 and 6 (jogurciQ)
- Trident Riptide (Evorp)
- Netherite Chestplate (DMgaming)
- Amethyst Shard (Nyodex)
- Experience Bottle (Nyodex)
- All Shovels (Nyodex)
- Diamond (Nyodex)
- Carrot on a Stick (DMgaming)
- Warped Fungus on a Stick (DMgaming)
- Fishing Rod (DMgaming)
- Carrot (Evorp)
- Golden Carrot (Evorp)
- Netherite Ingot (Aerod, Mr. Kirby 48)
- Splash Potion (Evorp)
- All Boats (miniluv73, Nyodex)
- Cooked Porkchop (Aerod)
- Iron Nugget (Evorp)
- Firework Rocket (luka)
- Brewing Stand (Evorp)
- Stats Icons (DMgaming)
- Toasts (Evorp, DMgaming)
- HUD Hearts (Evorp)
- Wither HUD Hearts (DMgaming)
- UV issue with acacia trapdoor (Pythagoras_314)
- Red band position on hay bale side texture (pr_ib)
- Netherite ingot being inconsistent with other ingots (Mr. Kirby 48)
- Excessive colours in cooked beef texture (Evorp)
- Miscoloured pixel in smithing icon texture (Mr. Kirby 48)