Faithful 64x – Release 5

Faithful 64x is back for part two of the 1.21 update! As announced previously, this update focuses on more Tricky Trials features as well as additional texture quality improvements across your Minecraft world! So, what should you expect? For starters, this update adds new paintings, copper doors, music discs, and armor trim patterns. Many older textures have been revamped as well, including the magma block, prismarine, and glazed terracotta blocks. You can have an in-depth look at the full list of additions and changes across Java and Bedrock edition here:


1.21.X for Java Edition



1.21.X for Bedrock Edition





  • Exposed Copper Door (HARYA)
  • Oxidized Copper Door (HARYA)
  • Weathered Copper Door (HARYA)
  • Copper Door (HARYA)
  • Scrape Pottery Pattern (HARYA)


  • Music Disc Creator (HARYA)
  • Music Disc Creator Music Box (HARYA)
  • Scrape Pottery Sherd (HARYA)
  • Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template (HARYA)
  • Map Locked (Bedrock Only) (HARYA)


  • Guster Banner (HARYA)
  • Flow Banner (HARYA)
  • Wind Charge (HARYA)
  • Wolf Snowy (HARYA)

Mob Effect:

  • Trial Omen (HARYA)
  • Weaving (HARYA)
  • Raid Omen (HARYA)
  • Infested (HARYA, Evorp & Jamiscus)


  • Trial Chambers (HARYA)


  • Baroque (HARYA)
  • Backyard (HARYA & DMgaming)
  • Endboss (DMgaming)

Trims Armors:

  • Bolt (HARYA)
  • Flow (HARYA)


  • Trial Omen (HARYA)
  • Raid Omen (HARYA)

Bedrock UIs:

  • Missing Pack Icon (HARYA, jogurciQ, Klonoscopy & Evorp)
  • Csb Sidebar Icon (HARYA)
  • Blueheart (HARYA)



  • Mycelium Side (HARYA)
  • Fire Coral Fan (HARYA)
  • Bubble Coral Fan (HARYA)
  • Gray Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Cyan Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Ancient Debris Top (HARYA)
  • Daylight Detector (HARYA)
  • Trial Spawner Bottom (HARYA)
  • Sea Lantern (HARYA)
  • Prismarine Bricks (HARYA)
  • Brown Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Purple Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Pink Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Oxeye Daisy (HARYA)
  • Black Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Blue Ice (HARYA)
  • Amethyst Bud (HARYA)
  • Bee Nest (HARYA)
  • Conduit Cage (HARYA)
  • Amethyst Block (HARYA)
  • Budding Amethyst (HARYA)
  • Cobweb (HARYA)
  • Furnace (HARYA)
  • Dispenser (HARYA)
  • Dropper (HARYA)
  • Observer (HARYA)
  • Hay Block Top (HARYA)
  • Blast Furnace (HARYA)
  • Clay (HARYA)
  • Bamboo Door (HARYA)
  • Bamboo Trapdoor (HARYA)
  • Magma Block (HARYA)
  • Log Tops (HARYA)
  • Quartz (HARYA)
  • Quartz Bricks (HARYA)
  • Chiseled Quartz (HARYA)
  • Rose Bush (HARYA)
  • Yellow Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Polished Basalt Top (HARYA)
  • Smoker (HARYA)
  • Smithing Table Bottom (HARYA)
  • Snow (HARYA)
  • Beetroots Stage (HARYA)
  • Prismarine (HARYA)
  • Sunflower Stem (HARYA)
  • Bedrock (HARYA)
  • Warped Roots (HARYA)
  • Crimson Roots (HARYA)
  • Melon (HARYA)
  • Repeater (HARYA)
  • Comparator (HARYA)
  • Shulker Boxes (HARYA)
  • Magenta Glazed Terracotta (HARYA)
  • Nether Gold Ore (HARYA & Evorp)
  • deepslate Gold Ore (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Gold Ore (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Nether Quartz Ore (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Red Glazed Terracotta (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Lime Glazed Terracotta (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Danger Pottery Pattern (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Jukebox Top (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Piston (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Melon stem (Evorp)
  • Pumpkin Stem (Evorp)
  • Red Mushroom Block (Evorp)
  • Mushroom Stem (Evorp)
  • Quartz Pillar (Evorp)
  • Structure Block (Evorp)
  • Mushroom Block Inside (Evorp)


  • Strider (HARYA)
  • Saddle (HARYA)
  • Shulker Boxes (HARYA)
  • End Crystal (HARYA)
  • Spiders (HARYA)
  • Illagers (HARYA)
  • Enderman (HARYA)
  • Shield (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Armor Stand (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Arrows (Evorp)


  • TNT Minecart (HARYA)
  • Hopper Minecart (HARYA)
  • Furnace Minecart (HARYA)
  • Chest Minecart (HARYA)
  • Command Block Minecart (HARYA)
  • Rotten Flesh (HARYA)
  • Popped Chorus Fruit (HARYA)
  • Apples (HARYA)
  • Lapis Lazuli (HARYA)
  • Chorus Fruit (HARYA)
  • Danger Pottery Sherd (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Pufferfish (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Magma Cream (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Chainmail Chestplate (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Chainmail Helmet (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Cod (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Ingots (HARYA & Evorp)
  • Powder Snow Bucket (HARYA, Cituation & Evorp)
  • Spyglass (THEMAIS0N, fabriXD & Evorp)
  • Structure Void (miniluv73 & Evorp)
  • Raw Iron (THEMAIS0N & Evorp)
  • Beetroot Seeds (THEMAIS0N & Evorp)
  • Sweet Berries (EachKhaiho & Evorp)
  • Green Dye (Evorp)
  • Bread (Evorp)
  • Brown Dye (Evorp)
  • Lead (Evorp)
  • Heart of the Sea (Evorp)


  • Experience Bar Progress (HARYA)
  • Mute Button (HARYA & DMgaming)
  • Report Button (HARYA & DMgaming)
  • Heart Bars (DMgaming)
  • Hunger Bars (DMgaming)
  • Armor Bars (DMgaming)
  • Hotbar Attack Indicator (DMgaming)
  • Ping Bars (DMgaming)
  • Cross Player Icon (DMgaming)
  • Loom (DMgaming & Evorp)


  • All painting frames (HARYA)

Bedrock Edition:


  • Fixed some items being huge in hand. However, this is not fixed for Wolf Armor, Arrows & Snowball.
  • Fixed Turtle Master Potion Bottle Lingering color.
  • Beehive Top now matches Java.